Sample Pet Hydration Messages

Dogs need more water than people do, particularly in warmer climates and when it’s hot outside. Signage near pet water fountains and in active areas like parks or trails is a great way to remind pet parents about the importance of hydration.

Here are sample hydration messages to help people keep their pets healthy. They’re in the voice of a pet to help make them memorable.

  • GIMME A BREAK: Dogs need more water than people do. Plan breaks to keep me happy and healthy.
  • WHEW! If you’re tired, I probably am too. Rest and water breaks are good for people and pets.
  • DRINK UP: Hydration is vital for people and pets. Let’s take a break and have some water for good health.
  • SLURP. REFILL. SLURP. Be sure to carry a refillable water bottle so you always have a drink for me when I need it.
  • KEEP WATCH: Remember to keep an eye on me to make sure I don’t get overheated.
  • DON’T DEHYDRATE: Nearly every important body function requires water. Give me as much as I need!

Want more tips? Check out the rest of our Signage for Pet-Friendly Places Toolkit for more messages that support pet-friendly spaces and responsible pet ownership.

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